New Design for YouTube Music on the Web: Here’s what’s new


Taking inspiration from its primary web platform, YouTube is refreshing the design of YouTube Music on the web. The enhanced design of this Google-owned streaming platform aims to facilitate quick access to playlists via a navigation drawer.

What’s Different

The first to notice the redesign was 9to5google, with the changes seeming to roll out progressively. On examination, only a select few from the Times of India-Gadgets Now team had access to the updated YouTube Music look.

The design overhaul reveals that Google is relocating the “Home”, “Explore”, and “Library” tabs from the upper portion of the screen to the far left, aligning with the standard YouTube website layout.

These critical sections will be nestled in a collapsible navigation drawer, equipped with a “New playlist” option for creating playlists.

The navigation panel is also set to grant users the ability to browse through 50 recent playlists, with Liked Music and New (podcast) Episodes prioritized at the top, according to reports.

Additionally, the “Search” tab is likely to be upgraded to a comprehensive search bar, with filters such as “Workout”, “Relax”, “Podcasts”, “Energize”, “Commute” and “Focus” conveniently located beneath it.

What’s Same

Simultaneously, certain homepage elements will retain their original form, including the Cast option, recommendation tabs, and account access menu, all situated on the right.

Earlier this year, YouTube Music also updated its design on smartphones, aiming for a cohesive look. The service rolled out a UI redesign to playlists and albums on both Android smartphones and iOS devices.

Post-update, the library tab now showcases a drop-down menu at the top, enabling users to swiftly toggle among four different options, including Library, Downloads, and Device files. The “History,” “Cast,” “Search,” and “Account” buttons are still accessible on the right of the Library tab at the top.


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