Happy New Year 2019, Thank You All !


    First of all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you and special thanks to the iBixion audience who made the blog successful. It might not be big but with 79 active subscribers and 249,000 active visitors, this year been good for us.

    We’ll try to update our blog more frequently from now on and make you guys fill with tech news and updates. 2018 has been a good year for all the smartphone manufacturer, the latest release of iPad Pro just made the year great again and with the latest interactive movie by Netflix, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch we can say that the ending of 2018 is just great.

    Well, I’m not going to make this post a thousand word long. It’s an update just to thank all of you for being with us. This year we are going to update the blog as much as we can with the innovative and tech contents. Stay tuned for that and be sure to subscribe to our free newsletter where we send the weekly tech deals to our subscribers. Thank you again for being with us and Happy New Year.


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