PS4 Fan Running Super Loud: Why and How To Fix


If you own a PS4 or PS4 Pro then you know the problem. While playing some heavy games the PS starts to run its fan super fast making a loud and very annoying sound. Here I’ll explain why this happens and how will you fix this problem.

Heavy Games are the main reason for the loud fan noise on PS4 or PS4 Pro. Games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Titalfall 2, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Death Stranding, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, etc can create the loud fan issue on PlayStation console.

Primary Reasons for PS4 Loud Fan Noise

  • Heavy Games
  • Low Storage
  • Air Not Passing Through
  • Console Getting Hot

These are the main reason that you are or might be facing the PS4 loud fan issue. Below you’ll find all the possible ways to fix the problem and get a seamless console gaming experience.

PS4 Fan Running Super Loud: FIXED

There are a few ways that you can try, at least one of the way shall work for you. Try all the ways if the first or second one just doesn’t work.

Restart your PS4

This is the very first thing that you should try. Nowadays most of the minor problems on smart devices or electronic devices can be fixed by simply restarting it. You can try the same with PS4 and if there’s anything unnecessary running in the background, the restart will kill it and make your PS4 silent and ultimate gaming machine.

Place your PS4 in a Ventilated Area

This worked for me.

A fan of any device like Laptop, Desktop kicks in when their temperature increases and its the same case with PS4. While loading the heavy games, the console gets hot and fan kicks in. If there is something around the console move them away, don’t place it too close to the wall.

Leaving space for airflow on PS4 can decrease the temperature and it will kick off the fan as well the annoying sound with it.

Also, don’t cover the PS4 console with anything like towel, coat, bags or anything at all.

Place your PS4 Vertically

Mainly, people place their PS4 horizontally but do you know that you can place it vertically also. Giving the PS4 vertical position can give it more airflow and keep it cold. If the first and second method doesn’t work for you, give this a shot.

Keep your PS4 Clean

Place your PS4 in a clean space, make sure that dust doesn’t goes in. You can open up the PS4 and clean it carefully removing any dust or cleaning the fans mainly.

These are the ways that you can fix the PS4 loud fan noise. The first way always works for me and after placing my PS4 on a ventilated area as mentioned in the second point, it doesn’t get hot very easily neither the fan runs super fast.

If you know any other way that can fix the PS4 loud fan noise issue, please mention them in the comment space below and help a thousand others. Also, let us know which method worked for you or if you are still facing the super loud PS4 fan noise issue.


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