The Chinese brand has once again arrived with its newly launched phone in India. During the Realme 2 Pro launch event in India, the brand also announced about its next launch which is Realme C1 smartphone. It was a total surprise for the sorts and the sources because the company had only been talking about the Pro model. The newly launched Realme C1 is the budgeted model and a mid-range phone for every Indian citizen. It takes over the other budget brands in the market. The Realme C1 is the most awaited phone after Realme 2 Pro model. It just runs over the other Chinese brands and Japanese brands when comes to the budget. It is also an improvement and a great successor of Realme 1 smartphone.
The key upgrades of the phone include Snapdragon 450 SoC, selfie camera setup, display with an enabled notch, improved rear camera sensors, a far extended display or the touchscreen, the 4230mAh battery, which is more than enough to make the phone last for at least 2 days. The display notch reminds of iPhone X and other iPhone new models, which surely provokes us to buy the piece.
Realme C1 Price
The brand has announced its launch already in India with its budgeted price compared to other models and brands. According to the brand, it is believed that the Realme C1 price in India is introductory in nature. The newly launched phone is priced in India at Rs. 6,999 which is an introductory or the release pricing for the Diwali festive season in the country. Desirers can logon to Flipkart and buy the price from and avail the piece from October 11, 2018. Realme C1 goes on sale starting this Diwali October 11, 2018.
Realme C1 Specifications
The new Realme C1 runs purely on Android with a Nano dual-sim card slot. It holds 6.20 inch display screen with Full High Definition plus, and an impressive ratio, which guides you through the perfect High Definition plus feature, may it be a messaging task or a television clip or a movie clip. It assures to give the best experience to all its users. The screen notch reminds of the iPhone X models and other pieces. The newly launched smartphone is powered by the Octa-Core Snapdragon processor 450 SoC It delivers a 2GB RAM with the 16GB internal storage, which runs on the ColorOS 5.1 personalized skin and body based on the Android’s most updated version which is Oreo 8.1. It also covers the prominent chin below the display or the touchscreen and has a glass panel on its back.
The new model comes with a 13 megapixel + 2-megapixel dual rear camera feature and a 5-megapixel front camera setup with AI face unlock feature. It has a dedicated Micro SD card slot which supports up to 256GB external memory.
In the Box
The smartphone is packed with a SIM eject tool, user manual guide, 1 PC of fast charging adapter with the USB cable and an earphone. Sales start at 11th October 2018 at
Don’t wait, just order it!