Google Pushes Latest Android 11 Beta 1.5 Tweaked Update with Minor Changes in Patches, G Pay Fix Was Also Tweaked


Following the beta release of all-new Android 11, Google rolled out the Beta 1.5 Update Patch. This minor fix solves the issues involving the absence of G Pay and crashing of the device.

To be more specific about the updates:

  • The device does not reboot accidentally while using gesture navigation to switch the apps while changing the orientation of the screen at the same time.
  • Those users resetting the device and then setting up the system can easily activate PSIM if they were using eSIM service before.
  • There are no issues faced related to Google Pay payment problems.

All in all, the main updates that are addressed are the Google Pay problems and issues which are a big deal for people using Android 11 Beta devices as their daily driver. Furthermore, there is an important fix for Bluetooth devices like WearOS devices.

There are also some fixes in Android Auto, the problems like sound being played on the phone speaker instead of the Cars/ any vehicle speakers. Google is still in the process of a thorough investigation of the no projection on the initial plugin of the device.

There are reports that suggest that there are many subtle changes and bugs resolved but not officially announced. The people already on this Beta 11 will see this update in a span of a few days, as per the reports. Also, even if you are not in the Beta program of Android 11 and are eagerly waiting for these issues to be tweaked, then they can easily opt-in and receive an OTA update in no time on their Pixel devices. Although the factory images for the custom flashing and modification are also available, as of now there are no images that could be seen on the site.


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